Trisha & Michael

Trisha & Michael got married in the ever breathtaking Superstition mountains at Lost Dutchman State Park. On their wedding day, Trisha & Michael were so happy. There was smiles on their faces literally the entire day. They were quick to make each other laugh. Their families and guests were just as excited for their wedding as they were. During the ceremony they included traditions from American and Mexican cultures. Trisha & Michael, it was such a pleasure to be part of your wedding. I hope you two have an amazing life.
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding
lost dutchman state park wedding

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